Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Success Element vs Passion For Life

Is there a success element, a basic chemical substance that makes some people more driven and predisposed to be wealthy and powerful? Is that a bad or good thing? Are you working so hard toward your goals you forgot how to have fun, sit and enjoy a sunset, read a good book, take a walk with a loved one? Has this drive for success and material wealth caused sleepless nights, ruined your appetite, or made you give up on exercise? Achieving goals and still not happy? Maybe in the mad pursuit of money and power you’ve lost the PASSION FOR LIFE. Working towards goals and success is great (NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT) but over-striving and beating oneself into the ground is not good.

This week, June 6, 2013, Huffington Post with Arianna Huffington and Mika Brzezinski are hosting a conference about The Third Metric, Redefining Success Beyond Money and Power.

There are a number of great articles like: “In Praise of Idleness”, “Rethink Your Sense of Purpose” , “5 Things You Need to Know About Your Pursuit of Happiness”.

Some of the wealthiest men and women in the world aren’t always the happiest or healthiest. In the struggle for power, wealth and fame there can be consequences: poor health, strained or failed relationships, loss of self-worth, apathy, diminished energy, etc. Also some over achievers tend to forget to enjoy the simple things in life, let days, weeks, months, years pass by, lose compassion for people, friends loved ones.


How do we get off this self-destructive treadmill?

·        Balance and simplify. There’s nothing wrong with setting goals and wanting success but balance the time and focus on what’s truly important.

·         Re-evaluate. How much “stuff” do you really need? Can you de-clutter and downsize your material needs?

·         If you’re not getting enough sleep, not eating or exercising, not spending enough time with spouse, children or getting enough alone time to recharge then maybe a readjustment needs to be made.

·         Don’t live in a vacuum. Get out spend time with friends. Do a random act of kindness for a stranger. Be more courteous to the drivers on the road even if they aren’t. What goes around…

·         Women especially make many sacrifices for their children and spouses. But they do need to take time for themselves and family needs to recognize the importance of this.

·        Be aware of the world around you. Don’t let it pass by. Enjoy each day. Look for the good in people instead of complaining about the bad.

·        Get away from your desk and take a walk. (And turn OFF the cell phone). Simple but how long can you get away from your desk, cell phone, email, social networking, etc.? Many of us eat at our desks, including dinner. Not only are we eating dinner in front of our desks or the TV, but we have at least one or two electronic devices at arms-length away. Really, go to a beach and see how many people sit there with their phones attached to their ears. (A Nook or Kindle is okay because they’re reading a book. That’s relaxing.) J

Maybe we forgot how to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life like a child chasing soap bubbles in a green field.

Do you have any suggestions for how to bring Passion to Life? Please share.

Success and happiness are possible but not at the expense of what is truly important in life. I’ve seen the poorest families in Guatemala many years ago living in shacks without electricity, plumbing or even a bed. Children didn’t even have shoes. And they were probably some of the happiest and proudest people I’ve ever met.  

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