I'd like to welcome author Christine d’Abo to the Passion Sense blog for an interview today. She’s talking about her new release that came out July 6th at Ellora's Cave
No Master.
Hi Kathy! Thank you so much for letting me chat with you.
-Tell us a little about the book and where did you get the idea to write this story.
I’ve been writing seriously for six years now and I’ve been published for four. Many of my ideas come from me having an image pop up into my head. At that point I’m already asking myself, what if…and the next thing I know, I have a story!
I wish I could say I’m mercenary about my ideas or have a master plan when it comes to my series. I don’t typically. Typically, I create a universe in my head and then wonder about the type of people who populate it. That is how my Eurus colony came about (Eternal Bond series) and why I’m now writing about space pirates (Bounty series).
My newest book, No Master is book three in the Bounty series. I wanted to explore the type of person who would lead a group of cut throat pirates in space. The Admiral of the Black quickly morphed into Korbin and he had a lot of trust issues. A fun but challenging character to work with.
- How did you get started writing novels?
I’m one of those crazy people who have always written. It wasn’t until I was home on maternity leave with my second daughter that I started writing seriously. Basically, I was looking for a way to save my sanity.
I began by writing a historical romance. It was terrible. I learned a lot though and at least knew I was able to finish a novel. I may a few more attempts at different romance sub-genres until I started The Bond That Ties Us. Sci-fi romance is my favorite thing to write.
- Are you seat of the pants writer or plotter?
I am a total pantser. I tried to plot a few times, but find once I’m done plotting, I no longer want to write the book. For me, half the fun is figuring things out as I go.
- If you could turn any of your books into a movie which book or series would it be?
Hands down, I’d pick The Bonds That Ties Us. I really love the world I’d created there and to have a chance to see it on the big screen (little screen, Internet thing…) would be amazing.
- Which actor screams SEXY to you?
Oh, this is a hard one. I have a type you see. Usually tall, black or dark brown hair and blue eyes. So many actors fall into that category and yet, I know not everyone thinks the same as I do. I’m more than a little in lust with Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Supernatural, The Losers), Michael Fassbender (X-Men First Class, Jane Eyre), Gareth David-Lloyd (Torchwood). That said, Gerard Butler is at the top of my Want to Shag list. J
- Do you write full time or work outside of the home?
I have a day job and yet I do manage to get in 10-15 hours of writing in a week. I get up early, write on my lunch hours, stay up late, pretty much anything to get some writing time in.
- How do you balance writing for more than one publisher?
I’m still learning how to do this! This spring I had to learn how to negotiate with multiple editors from different houses on deadlines. Being up front with them, letting them know what’s going on, and finding out about wiggle room was critical. It certainly left me with no time to procrastinate.
- Are you an outgoing person?
LOL Yes. Sometimes I’m a bit too outgoing. I’ll talk your ear off and not even bat an eyelash. I’m also slightly hyper and tend to bounce around. Standing still isn’t something I do.
-Do you write a novel straight through? Or revise as you go? Plan a whole series in advance? Or does the series evolve?
I tend to write a novel straight through. I learned early on that I can’t revise as I go, or else I never get the damn thing finished. I don’t tend to plan my series either. I generally introduce characters as supporting cast and then want to learn more about them. I suddenly have a series on my hands.
- Do you use Beta readers?
I have a group of amazing women who I work with before my stories ever reach an editor. Typically, I only send my critique partners my final draft, but on occasion I do use them for “sanity” checks. Normally, it only takes them asking me a few questions for me to realize what’s wrong. I wouldn’t be where I am without them.
If anyone is interested in learning more about me or my books, please visit me at my website www.christinedabo.com or come say hi over at Twitter (Christine_dAbo).
By Christine d’Abo
Book 3 in the Bounty series.
No man in the galaxy inspires more fear than Korbin, the Admiral of the Black. His life as leader of the pirates leaves little room for trust, so when Korbin’s second in command disappears without a trace, he suspects the worst.
Zain Strand has left his life as a sex slave behind and risen within the pirate ranks. But he’ll abandon it all to rescue an old friend from recapture by the slavers--even if that means a suicidal confrontation with his old master. He doesn’t expect Korbin’s arrival, doesn’t want Korbin’s help...but Korbin gives Zain no choice.
Posing as Master and slave to infiltrate a slave auction, Korbin and Zain embark on a journey of lust that rapidly reveals their deeper feelings. When Zain’s old master discovers their ruse, Korbin must do everything in his power to save both their lives and their newfound love.
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